Author Kela Calvin
I’ve always been enthusiastic about great writing, and couldn’t be happier about turning my passion into a thriving career as a professional Author. With continued growth in technology, it's important to provide an accessible place where I can connect with a wider audience. Here you will find samplings of my work, ranging from published stories to more personal pieces, which I invite you to explore and enjoy below.

About Me
My Bio
Kela Calvin is from Hopewell, Virginia. She aims to motivate and inspire others through the art of storytelling. Living Proof: A Bethany Mason Experience is her first published novel. However, Kela knew she had the knack for storytelling after creating a story for a seventh grade class project. She also writes poetry and performs spoken word on occasion.

Check out my second published novel. Creative, innovative, and filled with excitement, Worthy is the next book for you. Worthy is a powerful novel about relationship experiences that are relatable to women from various backgrounds. It will inspire you to examine your love life, learn to embrace your unique self and most importantly to recognize the need to engage in self-love.
Stay tuned for my upcoming novel, the sequel to Living Proof. More information to follow.

Author Paulo Coelho
"The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion."

Contact: Author Kela Calvin
Get in touch with me for more information about my publications and upcoming releases, as well as for interviews and events.